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You searched for "Pro-rate"

100 FAQs Found
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What type of program access does each of the user types have and what are the labels for the different types of users?
User Access Roles in TurboRater 
What Agency Management Programs does TurboRater integrate with?
What to do if Progressive does not return a rate in TurboRater.
Progressive Quoting 
How do I bridge from TurboRater to InsurancePro?
Bridging from TurboRater to InsurancePro 
What is the process for obtaining a pro-rated premium / endorsement premium on a policy if a change was to be made mid term?
Bridging to TurboRater from Insurance Pro when using Chrome as the default browser
Extra bridging step from Insurance Pro to TurboRater while using Google Chrome 
What is required for Grinnell to rate.
Grinnel Setup 
How do I change the program to bump down to the closest limits or deductibles for companies that don't have the those available that I enter on the quote?
What are TurboRater's minimum system requirements?
What are TurboRater's login limitations?
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