
FAQ ID # 75
Last Update : 2009/12/06
Print this FAQ

Question / Issue
How do I run an expiring policies report?

Answer / Solution

To run and print a list of all policies that are coming up for renewal:

  1. From the Main Menu Screen  select Daily Transactions Report.
  2. Select Period Report and then chose the dates for which you would like to generate the report for.
  3. Click on the Expirations button and you will see a list of all policies that have or are going to expire between the dates you have chosen on the screen.
  4. You can further customize this list for a specific line of business by selecting a policy type at the bottom of this screen and then clicking on Expirations again.
  5. Click on Print to print out this list.
  6. You will then get a message asking:  Do you want to print INDIVIDUAL Renewal Reminder Letters for each of the displayed Clients? If you select Yes, you will be asked if you wan to print a Summary list for the displayed clients.
  7. You will be asked if you want to preview the printed list before printing.
  8. When you have printed out all of the lists that you need, click on Done.

Direct Link to This FAQ

Reporting expirations lists renewals

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