Question / Issue |
How do I set up the bridge from Accu-Auto Rater to IP? |
Answer / Solution |
Bridge Customer Information from Accu-Auto Rater to InsurancePro:
To bridge data from Accu-Auto, first you need to setup/install the bridge files from InsurancePro:
Click on Load data from Rater from the Main Menu.
Then click on Settings and choose Accu-Auto Bridge.
Click on the button with 3 dots which is next to the installation path if the bridge path is other than the displayed default path (C:\ACCUWIN\TX\VENDOR). Then select the location where Accu-Auto is installed on your system. It may be under the C:\ drive. The default path is for someone in Texas so be sure to browse to your state. Click on the Save button. If those folders don't exist you may type in the path. Be sure to include the driver letter at the beginning. It will ask you if you want to create these folders and you can tell it Yes. Click on the Save button.
Once the path is set, click on the Install Accu-Auto Bridge button to copy over the files necessary to bridge.
After the bridge is successfully installed, rate a quote in Accu-Auto and from the breakdown screen click on Vendors and choose Insurance Pro.
6. You will get a message that windows can't open this file. Choose the option at the bottom "Select a program from a list of installed programs" Click OK.
7. Click on Browse.
8. Go to the path you selected in Step 3 above.
9. Select IPBridge.exe and click Open.
To transfer data to InsurancePro:
Open InsurancePro.
A message should appear stating: Data Transferred.
You will be prompted if you would like to transfer the data.
If you choose "Yes", InsurancePro will automatically add the bridged customer to InsurancePro, and take you to the policy Summary Screen.
If you choose "No", InsurancePro will add the client in the batch area to be processed later.
Uploading Clients into InsurancePro from Raters:
All the clients that you have bridged from another rating system to InsurancePro will be listed on the Transfer from Rater screen (after clicking on the Load Data from Rater option from the main menu).
On this screen select the ones that you want to upload into InsurancePro, and click on the Upload button at the bottom right of the screen.
Note: From this screen, you can delete unwanted clients, and also search for the person if the list is too large. If there are clients in the list that you do not want to transfer, you can click on the Delete button to remove them from the list (you must put a check mark next to the ones you want to delete).
After clicking on the Upload button, InsurancePro will display a list of options that you can specify for the client being uploaded. Some info might have bridged over, and some may not be there. You can just double check and fill in as much as you want. You can also change the policy status from Active to Quote from this option.
Once you have transferred the client information into InsurancePro, you can go either the Find existing Policies from the main menu or to the Clients menu and select Find existing Clients to look up and process the policy.
Note: If you choose to pull up a client right after bridging by selecting Yes to the option for processing a client into InsurancePro, and make the client an Active Policy in InsurancePro, you must receive a payment for the policy also. If you don't receive a payment after bridging, InsurancePro will automatically change the policy status to Quote. This applies only to TurboRater and Accu-Auto products. |