FAQ ID # 131
Last Update : 2020/06/25
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Question / Issue
How do I set up and install the Hallmark bridge?

Answer / Solution

NOTE: After you install and are still getting the message that file still does not exist, that probably means you have a 64 bit operating system. Please make sure you read the end of these instructions to complete the bridge setup.

  1. Go to American Hallmarks web site.
  2. Click here to access American Hallmark's website. Pop-up Blockers may need to be turned off. 
  3. Once the website opens you will need to log in. Click on the Technical Support menu at the top of the page. Then under the Bridges section, click on PTS Bridge Please refer to the picture below.    

    4.  Follow the steps on the XImport Installation Procedure screen: 

Step 1: After clicking on the Download XImport Utility link on the above screen:

·   Click on Save on the File Download Security Warning box.

·   Select your Desktop from the Save in: dropdown entry field and then click on Save.

Step 2: Look for the ximport_install.exe file on your desktop and then double click on it.

·   Click on Run on the Open File – Security Warning box.

·   Click on the Unzip button on the top right of the WinZip Self-Extractor – ximport_install.exe box (we suggest that you leave the default path displayed: C:\temp).

·   Click on OK once you receive the message that the files have been unzipped successfully.

Step 3: The Installation Wizard will appear, click Next on each screen through the installation process.  You must install the XImport Ultility to the default path shown in the installation Wizard: C:\Program Files \XImport

Step 4:  Click on the bridge setup instructions link for ITC TurboRater. 

NOTE: The instructions on this screen are for the desktop comparative rater.  The only difference in the WebEdition is:

·         You will have to have an administrative login to access the company setup screen. 

·         Go to Administration/Edit Companies, then click on Edit Info to enter your producer code or verify that it is in there. 

·         The bridge path (shown above in Step 3) will already be defaulted in the Additional Information/Integration tab of the Edit Company Group screen.


5.     If you have a 64 bit operating system it will say that the bridge file is still not there. Please keep reading the rest of the instructions to complete the bridge setup. If you do not have a 64 bit operating system you will be able to bridge to Hallmark and no further action is necessary.

NOTE: If you are still getting a message that the bridge file is not there please do the following.


1.    Open My Computer or Computer(for Vista or Windows 7).

2.    Double click on your C: drive.

3.    Double click on the folder named Program Files (x86)(if you're running a 64-bit OS).

4.    Locate and highlight the folder named Ximport. If you are in these states Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee you will have an Ximport20 folder.

5.    Right click on the Ximport or Ximport20 folder and select Copy.

6.    Then click your Back button to go back to your C: drive.

7.    Double click to open the Program Files folder this one will be the one that does not have the (x86).

8.    Right click on an open area and choose Paste.

9.    Close My Computer. You will now be able to bridge to Hallmark from TurboRater.

NOTE: After you install and are still getting the message that file still does not exist, that probably means you have a 64 bit operating system. Please make sure you read the end of these instructions to complete the bridge setup.

Related Links
American Hallmark web site for bridge file download

Related FAQs
Bridging Error to PTS web sites.

Direct Link to This FAQ

American Hallmark bridge download

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