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FAQ ID # 1022
How to Add or Edit Fees in Agency Preferences (for example agency, MVR, or broker fees)
Last Update : 2020/06/25
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Question / Issue
How to Add or Edit Fees in Agency Preferences (for example agency, MVR, or broker fees)

Answer / Solution

You must be an Admin to add or edit Fees.

Some agencies add fees to their quotes, for example, an agency fee charged for binding a policy, or a per driver fee to recoup MVR expenses.

Your agents can add fees to quotes, either manually or from a pre-set list. An admin creates the pre-set list in Agency Preferences, which makes adding fees to quotes faster. Instead of having to type the fee on each quote, users will be able to select the fees from a drop-down box.

To add or edit fees to agency setup:

  1. Hover over your name at the upper right, and select Preferences.
  2. On the left, click Agency.
  3. Click the Miscellaneous Fees box.
  4. Select a line of business.
  5. Select a state (add fees per state).
    • To add a new fee, go below the box on the left to Click Here to add a new premium.
    • Or, to edit a fee, click on Edit on left of the fee.
  6. Enter the fee amount, description (agency, MVR, etc...), and how to charge.  NOTE: Most fees are charged per policy, but MVR fees can be charged per driver.  
  7. Click Save.

 Before watching the video, complete the first 3 steps above.

Some agencies add fees to their quotes, for example, an agency fee charged for binding a policy, or a per driver fee to recoup MVR expenses.

To add fees to a quote:

  1. At the top right of the Single Screen rating application, go to Miscellaneous Fees
  2. If fees were added in Agency Preferences (see related link below for more info), click Select Fee from List.
  3. Or to add a fee manually, click Add Fee.

Note: Fees can also be added to a quote template to add specific fees automatically.

Direct Link to This FAQ

fee fees agency MVR broker add edit enter set find policy driver

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