Question / Issue |
How to setup Hawksoft integration with TurboRater (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server) |
Answer / Solution |
Important Notes:
- You must have Admin rights inside TurboRater to add or modify this bridge.
- If you do not see Hawksoft in the list please contact your sales rep at 800-383-3482 option #6.
- Users will have to remove their existing TurboRater Bridge inside of HawkSoft CMS and then re-add it in order to get the Home integration.
Next follow these steps:
- If you have not already done so, install the Integration Center.
- Setup Agency Management Option Group in TurboRater:
- Administration menu > Add New Agency Management Options
- Enter a name in the Agency Management Option Name.
- Select HawkSoft CMS XML
- Note: You may see two selections "HawkSoft CMS" and "HawkSoft CMS XML". We recommend using the "HawkSoft CMS XML" as it is in a newer format, therefore, more information will transfer to Hawksoft.
- To the right, click on Additional Information
- In the field Executable Name/URL:
- If you have Hawksoft install locally or on your local network, add the drive letter, followed by a colon, where Hawksoft resides and point to the cms.exe file
- C:\haw\cms.exe or H:\haw\cms.exe for example
- If /USER:[UserName] is present remove it and make sure there is no spaces after the cms.exe, then click OK.
- Click on Save Options.
- Click on Exit Administration.
- In TurboRater, setup your location(s) to use the HawkSoft CMS bridge:
- Administration menu, select List Locations.
- Click Edit next to the location. If you have multiple locations and will be bridging to Hawksoft you will need to do this for each location.
- In the Agency Management Options entry field, select the management system and click Submit.
- To setup the bridge inside Hawksoft, you also need to follow these additional steps:
- From within Hawksoft CMS:
- Go to Setup > Bridges from main CMS menu bar
- Click New to open the Add Integration Item dialog
- Select ITC TurboRater and click OK
- Enter the following settings:
- Bridge name - leave default entry
- Export type - leave default entry
- Program path - delete default entry and leave blank
- Parameters - delete default entry and leave blank
- Path - \\tsclient\c\haw\transfer
- Filename - itc.tt2
- Click OK to save changes and return to the Bridges dialog
- Click OK to close the Bridges dialog
- To setup the import to TurboRater do the following:
- On your local computer, create a desktop shortcut as follows:
- Browse to C:\ICePOC
- Locate TWEBrdg.exe
- Right-click on TWEBrdg.exe, and then choose Send to -> Desktop (Create Shortcut).
- Close the window and go to your Desktop.
- Right-click on the TWEBrdg.exe shortcut, and then select Properties.
- In the target field, add location of the hawksoft software. For example: c:\haw\transfer\itc.tt2
- Note: Be sure to include a space before the c:\
- The path would look like this. C:\ICePOC\TWEBrdg.exe C:\haw\transfer\itc.tt2
- To transfer the exported file to Hawksoft, run the CMS.exe file after the file has been put in the transfer folder.
- Another way to do this on the non-desktop version is to go to File>Import>Then select the ITC.XML file, and open it.